What our Customers Say

"A superior learning process. New terms. Very interesting. Professional material. Good interactions between you and 'pupils' Excellent support of us. Full 100% expectations met."
Susanne Vinter
Captain, Great Dane
"My overall impression is very positive. I really liked the new way of looking at CRM and the airline industry. The course did very much meet my expectations. Lot's of material for us to use."
Helene Skovhus
Cabin Chief, Great Dane
"The course did meet and exceeded expectations. One reason being that we had healthy discussion about CRM at a 'higher' level than 'normal' CRM sessions"
Leonard Holmgren Holm
Pilot, CityJet
"Above and beyond. A completely different way of thinking CRM. Focus is on our daily life, not accidents from another time, other country, other airline"
Martin Rude Selknæs
Cabin attendant, CityJet
"It was different from my expectations coming in with little to no previous experience as a ground instructor. However, it was a very well constructed course with a fresh perspective on CRM! Thumbs up! Good mix of instructors with very professional attitudes"
Isak Wiberg
Pilot, CityJet
"Found it very interesting. Group presentations instead of individual - great. Not the usual standard 'box' training material, the students are allowed to think and be creative"
Karsten Roll
Cabin attendant, CityJet
"This course was fantastic! It more than met my expectations. I really enjoyed how you challenged my knowledge and ideas of what CRM is and could be. You and your team have presented me with a new direction for my career. With the knowledge and insights that I have gained I feel confident in presenting CRM to initial and recurrent classes in a way that I would want to be taught. I would highly recommend your company to colleagues look to learn more about CRM, Human Factors and ultimately themselves. Thank you."
Morgan Montgomery
former Norwegian pilot
"The course definitely met my expectations. Hugely interesting CRM trainer course that opened several very interesting doors of interest that need to be explored. CRM is such an interesting field that you showed still has so much potential to change aviation for the better and we as participants got drawn further into this world by you two competent instructors"
Steffen Lønstrup Larsen
former Norwegian pilot
"A well structured course about an important subject in a constantly changing environment. Gitte has a great knowledge and explain the stuff in a living and structured way"
Lau M. Andersen
Flight Inspector Danish Civil Aviation Authority
"Good discussions and subjects to reflect upon. Nice atmosphere throughout the course. I enjoyed the scientific approach to human error, the different 'schools' and thought processes. Would like more of this modern way of thinking and analysing the human factor"
Christian Ungar
Flight Inspector Danish Civil Aviation Authority
"Good course overall with valid areas covered by knowledgeable and involving instructor"
Tage Hougaard Sørensen
Flight Inspector Danish Civil Aviation Authority
"This course managed to inspire, increase the knowledge, at times entertain in an excellent way. You succeeded in facilitating meaningful discussions with eye for everyone, allowed everyone to contribute openly to the discussion. Gitte and Anne-Marie excellent job, you are true CRM ambassadors!!"
Pieter Brantegem
Pilot, ACE Belgium Freighters
"Very good discussions on relevant topics. Lot of knowledge about the CRM concept"
Tor H. Krokstad
CRM Trainer and Owner of Hucon
"The course met all my expectations and then more! I thought your course was very interesting, relevant and useful. The way you presented the material was especially good, mixing power point with handouts, videos and exercises to keep your students engaged and motivated all day"
Tomas Bengtsson
Captain on Airbus, Easyjet
"Excellent instructor, so knowledgeable. 100 percent reached expectations"
Ahmed Vishal
Senior Cabin Crew, Villa Air, Flyme
"This was one of the best courses I have ever participated. In the five days we learned a lot and our expectations were exceeded"
Ibrahim Rasheed
Captain, Villa Air, Flyme
"It was more than I expected. I have learned a lot from you and your classes, very informative, excellent set of skills in facilitating"
Mohamed Hindaz
First Officer, Villa Air, Flyme
"It was very good and interesting few days of training. Got to learn a lot and gained a lot of knowledge. Teaching techniques were very interesting as well. Everything was really beyond expectations. Would like to receive more training from you"
Fathimath Nuha Imad
Senior Cabin Crew, Villa Air, Flyme
"Very engaging, inspiring, refreshing. Exceeded my expectations. Taking home some nice ideas to go deeper into."
Jan Fisher
Captain, Air Cargo Global
"Gitte has a positive power that encourage the Teaching and Learning student to perform well in the learning process and in the role as instructor. Gitte excels in the role."
Jonas Kefi
Captain 737, Norwegian
"Very positive; the course delivery was a bit different from the ones that I've attended earlier but was really a refreshing way and got loads of new ideas how to cover topics. It certainly met my expectations. The two instructors were both competent as well as very nice and made all participants feel welcome and gave good feedback"
Sanna Suominen
Cabin attendant, CityJet
"It was above what I expected. Good lectures and very well presented! Gitte, Anne-Marie and Birgitte all have a very nice mix of experience in both cabin and cockpit"
Martin Ellekilde Høj
Pilot, CityJet
"Fantastic initiative to invite like you did in these times. The high level of professionalism shows in delivering your training. The course has also given me inspiration to be used forward, great people to share the course including the active participation"
Stefan Rydström
Flight Instructor and EASA examiner
"This course went beyond my expectations. A great environment which brought up the right subjects"
David de Jong
Airline Captain
"Overall impression of course is the best. I learned lots of things, it boost my confidence. For future I will come for my flight Instruction Course. I think, Gitte is the perfect person for my future instruction course"
Krishan Modi
First Officer ATR, India
"Yes, the course absolutely met my expectations. Good discussions, good cases, fits well to the company operations"
Svein Petersen
Chief Pilot and Captain on Falcon, Blackbird Air
"Very good and highly relevant, most relevant CRM until now"
​Lars Staal
Pilot, Blackbird Air
“Gitte made these 3 days fantastic. She is a lovely person and passionate about teaching.This course could be quite tough, but Gitte made it one of the better courses I have attended.“
​Robert Winge
Captain and Linetrainer, Flybe
“Very inspiring with a new approach to CRM. Excellent with more focus on Human Factors and Personalities. My expectations were more than fulfilled. I feel that my awareness was lifted to a new level. The new areas of content compared to previous CRM Courses did perfectly match my desire for development”
Morten Pedersen
Director, Accountable Manager and TRI, Global Aviation Contractors
“Far better standard than the courses I have attended the last 30 years”
Palle Nørby
Captain, TRE, TRI
“I have attended other CRM courses, but this is the first time where I feel that I seriously have been given some subjects/objects that can help me personally in both my work and private environment. Gitte is an amazing instructor who captured my attention 200% throughout the day”
Nina Hejlesen
Former Training Coordinator, Global Aviation Contractors
“I have had lessons from you for several years now. You are very good at evolving your lessons, involving all participants! Keep up the good work with your warm personality”
Nicolai Zahle Laursen
First Officer and Assistant Training Manager, JetTime
“Excellent performance, interesting tasks with a surprising “result”. Well done.”
Per Hassing
EASA Skill test Examiner, Captain, TRI, TRE, Global Aviation Contractors
“Fantastic, brilliant new way of thinking psychology and personality into CRM. Modern, new and up to date”
​Patrick Wayne Hejlesen
First Officer, Thomas Cook Airline Scandinavia
"Brilliant. Far exceeded any expectations. Gitte and Anne-Marie helped facilitate some really interesting and engaging discussion with their fun and interactive course."
Matt Frame
Pilot, WestAtlantic
"Very dynamic - very relevant. Used up to date material and ideas, which were merged well with established core concepts. Professional and knowledgeable trainers. Met all objectives."
Shaun McConnor
Pilot, Flybe
"This is my first time working/ interacting with foreign crews/experts on CRM and it reinforced the human factors issues that exists and it has been an encouragement to me to continue. I appreciated your dedication to the subject and continued pursuit of knowledge/ improving the system"
Elizabeth Snowbarger
Pilot, Delta
"It was really good. One of the best instructors I have met. You made us feel that we are great"
Ahmed Mahid
Captain, Villa Air, Flyme
"It was excellent, it went beyond my expectations. I was expecting only about CRM, but the course was also how to conduct lessons and lesson planning, and the way you teach is just amazing".
Mazeed Muhisin
First Officer, Villa Air, Flyme
"It exceeded my expectations. Fantastic including group where everybody bonded from day 1. Loved all the stuff from Lund university."
Louise Flohr Richardt
Cabin Attendant, Global Reach Aviation
"High level of knowledge. Good with food for thoughts and introducing other aspects of theory and knowledge. The course fully met my expectations."
Anders Møller
Captain, Nordica